2013년 5월 9일 목요일

Diesel Ads

Diesel, a global fashion brand, has been successful at promoting a lot of unconventional advertising campaigns. Among them, I would like to introduce my favorite campaign.
“Be Stupid” is the slogan of the campaign I brought today.
Today’s society requires more people to be smart.
On the contrary, this campaign is telling us that we should be stupid. How funny is it?
Of course, it does not mean that we should be literally “stupid.”
It says that being a risk taker sounds challenging, but it certainly is worth it.
Thus, we need to be more audacious and creative.

The images used in the print ads are perfect for their copies. Some are even hilarious.
Here I borrowed some lines of the copies of the advertisement.

“Don’t be stupid.” It’s the crusher of possibility.
To be stupid is to be brave.
The stupid isn’t afraid to fail.
The stupid know there are worse things than failure… like not even trying.
Remember only stupid can be truly brilliant.

These copies are truly thought-provoking.
I wholeheartedly agree with that.
What we need is to think outside the box and be brave.
We should keep asking ourselves “What if…?” and “Why not…?”
Stupid ideas sometimes seem reckless and without logic.
However, that is what makes it brilliant. Indeed, all the fun ideas derive from stupid ideas.
Playing safe is not likely to be a breakthrough.
Indeed, so many people are not even trying as they are afraid of failure.
Consequently, they lose their opportunities to accomplish and create new things.
I guess sometimes it would be better to muster up the courage and dash for a goal.

I also brought the video version.
It is as great as the print ads. Enjoy and be stupid!

댓글 1개:

  1. One of the interesting things about this ad campaign is that they are changing (or shifting) the meaning of the words "smart" and "stupid." It is almost as if they are trying to create new slang meanings for the words!
