Who can resist the temptation of a glass of cool Coca Cola on hot summer days?
Coca Cola is famous for its fun ads not to mention its taste.
Today, I would like to introduce Coca Cola’s cool & fun ads.
There are three coca cola bottles.
Well, what do you think? Did you get the message immediately?
As you can see, these three bottles are slightly different from each other.
The first one is a black and white photo, and the second one is a color photo,
and the last one looks like a 3D photo.
In the lower right hand corner, there is a copy; 125 years at the movies.
From a black and white film to a 3D film, Coca Cola has been a great companion
when you go to the movies for 125 years.
This ad conveys Coca Cola’s history into simple images with effect.

The next ad is one of the series of “Open Happiness”.
The parts of the logo (Coca Cola’s “Coc”) seem like a smiley face. How brilliant!
These are for the Olympic Games. (In fact, Coca Cola has been a sponsor of the Olympics for more than 60 years.) The athletes are playing games with Coca Cola’s logo.
Like these, Coca Cola’s ads are strongly associated with its brand.
They are intuitive and powerful.
Coca Cola could gain its brand recognition by using its logo effectively.
While surfing the Internet, I found an interesting Coca cola campaign.
It was for the launch of the movie, 007 Skyfall. Buy Coca Cola, and be James Bond!
It is a truly great example of ambient advertisements.
I didn't realize that Coca-Cola has produced such brilliant ads over the years!
답글삭제Have you heard of the phenomenon of "product placement"? Companies pay to have their products including in scenes of movies.
Yes,I have. PPL has become more essential for companies.
삭제The ad agency I worked as an intern also spent a sizable amount of money on PPL.